Friday 13 January 2012


Its finally finished! Hung all of my final pieces today. As much as Ive enjoyed the project, Im relieved its over. Proudest hand in of my life! If youd have told me when I was in college that Id be making work like this Id never have believed you. All thats left now is assessment and to show the Dockyard....

Saturday 7 January 2012

Only one more to go!

Two more images done this week for my final piece, I cant start the next one till I go into uni on monday and see if the paper they had to order in has arrived yet, but hopefully Ill be able to get it all finished before the deadline on the 27th! Spent around 4 days on the second image, the White Yarn Store, and I did most of the first image, the Timber Seasoning sheds, today; 9 hours straight drawing on that one.